

OTONEURO MONACO is a centre of excellence in otoneurology located in the Principality of Monaco, specialising in the treatment of hearing disorders (deafness, tinnitus and hyperacusis) and balance disorders. You will find :


A highly skilled medical and paramedical team

All the center’s physicians have many years experience in otoneurology, and a well-established reputation in the field. Tests are carried out by audiologists and medical assistants specialized in functional explorations.

University-level equipment

Toutes les explorations de l’audition et de l’équilibre existantes sont disponibles à Otoneuro Monaco, avec un plateau technique complet.

Rigorous organization

Our organization enables us to offer short appointment times and complete, multi-disciplinary check-ups with a single place and time.

A center backed by prestigious research institutes

Thanks to a research partnership with INSERM, CNRS and GDRV, all the assessments and treatments offered by Otoneuro Monaco are based on the latest scientific advances.

Networking with regional professionals

Neurologists, neuroradiologists, ophthalmologists, sport medicine physicians, orthoptists, speech therapists, hearing aid acousticians, vestibular physiotherapists, CHPG, IUFC.

Get to know the OTONEURO MONACO team

Founded by Dr Pierre Lavagna, a specialist in Otoneurology with over 30 years of experience, the Centre OTONEURO MONACO brings together internationally renowned practitioners.

The doctors and professors at the OTONEURO MONACO centre specialise in hearing disorders (deafness, tinnitus, hyperacusis), vertigo and balance disorders.


Dr. Pierre Lavagna

Specialist in otoneurology

Find out more about OTONEURO MONACO

Otoneuro Monaco offers university-level technical knowledge for consultations and explorations into hearing and balance, with the latest generation of medical equipment enabling precise diagnoses to be made and treatment to be guided.