“Health data are special personal data because they are considered sensitive. As such, they are subject to special protection by law in order to guarantee respect for people’s privacy. ” (French CNIL’s source)
Any collection of medical data for use in medical research is therefore subject to prior consent.
Likewise, the european legislation known as the RGPD (General Data Protection Regulation) is complied with by setting up a system for the modification, rectification and deletion of personal data by contacting the DPO (Data Protection Officer) at the following e-mail address: dpo@otoneuromonaco.com.
In accordance with Article 24 of the GDPR, access to medical data is not authorised except by the treating physician.
Otoneuro Monaco takes the utmost care of your personal data and implements the most effective protocols in terms of computer security to protect them from the risks of piracy and loss of information, going far beyond the usual recommendations and the procedures normally implemented in the medical field.
Any collection of medical data for use in medical research is subject to prior consent.
All medical data collected is stored on a certified HDS (Health Data Hosting) computer server. No data is stored locally.
All local computers and the server are monitored by state-of-the-art antivirus software. This provides the highest level of protection available today, of the XDR (eXtented Detection & Response) type. At the same time, a 24/7 monitoring company (Security Operation Center) takes an immediate action if a possible computer attack is detected.
Access to all local computers requires a local identification through a biometric access system.
Finally, data is backed up continuously and simultaneously at three remote and secure sites, using immutable backup best practices (encrypted cloud-to-cloud backup, encrypted cloud-to-NAS backup and asynchronous NAS-to-HD SSD backup).
Your medical data is very valuable and we take the utmost care of it.
Découvrez le reportage vidéo du JT Monaco Info du 12 mars 2025 sur le centre OTONEURO MONACO. Un documentaire tourné à l’occasion de la journée nationale de l’audition 2025.
Moins d’un an après l’ouverture de notre centre, OTONEURO MONACO est récompensé du prix de l’innovation des 13ᵉ Trophées de l’Éco du Groupe Nice Matin.