OTONEURO MONACO is a centre of excellence dedicated to hearing and balance disorders. It offers a very high level of medical expertise, an exceptional technical exploration platform and the most effective and innovative therapies for the following pathologies :
Deafness or hearing loss is a reduction in the ability to perceive sounds.
Hearing plays a role in alerting and communicating. Any impairment of hearing, whatever its origin, has repercussions on our social life and cognitive functions. Deafness may be associated with tinnitus, hyperacusis, vertigo or balance problems.
When faced with a gradual or sudden decline in hearing, whether unilateral or bilateral, a comprehensive assessment is necessary.
Tinnitus is the patient’s perception of a sound that does not exist in the external environment.
This symptom is most often linked to hearing damage, but can also accompany other pathologies. It can have a strong impact on the patient’s quality of life, altering their social life and even leading them to suicide. Taking into account the repercussions or the psychological context in which the tinnitus develops is therefore one of the main challenges of the consultation.
Hyperacusis is the painful perception of a sound at such an intensity that people who do not suffer from this symptom do not experience any discomfort.
In more than two thirds of cases, hyperacusis is associated with tinnitus, with which it shares pathophysiological mechanisms, clinical assessment and investigations.
Hyperacusis can have a strong impact on the patient’s quality of life, affecting his social life and even driving him to suicide. As in the case of tinnitus, taking into account the repercussions or psychological context in which hyperacusis develops is therefore one of the main challenges of the consultation.
Vertigo is an illusion of movement caused in most cases by a pathology of the inner ear. Balance disorders, on the other hand, can be caused by a wide variety of factors (inner ear, eyesight, nervous system, muscles, joints, medication, etc.). Vertigo and balance disorders are extremely common. They affect patients’ quality of life and can lead to falls, with complications that can be very serious (falls are the most common cause of accidental death in the elderly).
In the event of dizziness or balance problems, a comprehensive assessment is required, based on a thorough medical history and clinical examination and, if necessary, specialist investigations and imaging.
Découvrez le reportage vidéo du JT Monaco Info du 12 mars 2025 sur le centre OTONEURO MONACO. Un documentaire tourné à l’occasion de la journée nationale de l’audition 2025.
Moins d’un an après l’ouverture de notre centre, OTONEURO MONACO est récompensé du prix de l’innovation des 13ᵉ Trophées de l’Éco du Groupe Nice Matin.